You know, if we would all tell God when we are upset, talk to him when we are sick, cry out to him when we hurt, our lives would be a little easier. There would be more peace in our hearts and minds. I'm not this gigantic Christian who wants to force my beliefs down any persons throat, but I would like to share. You know God isn't always the way people make him out to be.
He is a great, magnificent, wonderful, jealous, powerful, loving, just God. The very same God who allowed His only son to get on a cross and die for our sins, is the same God who banned Satan from Heaven. The same God who protected Noah and his family during the time He flooded the Earth, is the same God who loves you enough to let you decide on whether to serve Him or the Devil.
God isn't going to make you do anything you don't want to do. He doesn't force Himself upon you, He won't take you farther than you wanted to go, He is gentle and Kind. He is the example of a gentleman. The God I serve loves me so much, He wants me to be in His will, He wants me to serve Him, but He isn't going to let me play with fire without teaching me a lesson. As the saying goes: "If you keep playing with a fire, you are going to get burned." My favorite way of putting that thought tho, is much easier to explain, "You can't play patty-cake without your hands turning red."
If you keep doing things that you know God doesn't like, you are going to be punished or get hurt. If one drinks alcohol constantly, it doesn't take long for them to get drunk and do something stupid. If you keep smoking things like Weed and crack, you are going to get burned and could possibly get thrown in prison.
Who are we to keep tempting the Holy God of All? He calls drunkeness a sin. Why do we do it? If we know we shouldn't participate in it, why do we do it? If God says to not commit adultery and murder, then why do we continue to do it? Why are we trampling on what God says?
Young Women: God has the PERFECT man for you. If you haven't already messed up, then hold on to your only gift. So what if everyone else is having sex. You don't have to, hold on to that until you have found the right one. God knows what kind of man to put you with. He is the one that made him for you.
Young Men: God has the PERFECT woman for you. Hold on to it, don't let it go. God knows who you are supposed to be with. Just wait!
Another thing, and this has always bothered me about our society: Why is it that a woman is looked down on for being loosey goosey, but a man is a stud if he is that way? You are both in the wrong. Neither gender should be out there sleeping around. Fornication and Adultery are both horrible sins and God strictly forbids it. Your body is supposed to be a temple. We need to take care of it, and not be out there sharing it with the world. The temple if for God, why do we not see that?
Now, I am not saying I am perfect, because I am far from it. I have made my mistakes, thats why I brought this to the light. God is eager to forgive you of your sins, He see's you like the Prodigal's father saw him. When the Prodigal son came home, his father was desperate to bring his son in and have a party for him. God is like that with us. When we sin and we repent sincerely, God rejoices because He loves us, and He is happy that we came home.
I know where I fall short, and I know where God usually helps me. I know He will carry me when I can't take anymore, and I know He makes me a better woman every single day.
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