July 26, 2009

Glory to Glory

Your breath is sweeter the the roses.
Your voice is the most beautiful.
Your scent is heavily lingering, Hovering over this place.
Lord, I have never been here before.
I don't want to leave your presence.
This is such an awesome place.
This love, Liquid love pouring over me.
It's like a warm blanket keeping me safe.
I don't want to move from here.
I just wnat to bask in your Holy Glow.
My spirit is soaring High above the earth,
I don't want to go back there right now.
I could stay here forever, in your arms.
This is such a special place.
Lord how did I get here?
What did I do to be so special?
I love you Lord, Hold me tight, Never let me go.

Jenna Marie FainCopyright (c)2007 Jenna Marie Fain

The Darkness Takes Over

I sit alone in the darkend silence. My pain is raw, the wounds in my spirit are fresh. I feel the hot tears streaming down my face, I have not made a sound.

My breathing is slow but short. The Darkness is slowly taking over. The sound of my pounding heartbeat is the only thing I hear. Here comes more of the pain I was fighting.

My mind begins to go over the last event. The imagination has a way with my emotional standing. The depth of the darkness is peircing. Like a butcher to a chunk of beef, so my concience does with me feelings.

Regret, disgust, and fear fill my heart. Thoughts of suicide have entered the arena. Dare I to entertain the thought? A quick nap will help make the decision.

"This is the blackest black I have ever seen. What is the blistering on my flesh?Where is this heat coming from? This is way tintense.

Have I gone blind, I can not see what this is burning me. I am thirsty, where can I get some water? -I bite my tounge to try and produce some saliva. This is not working, the pain is excruciating.

I feel faint, shall I pass out, shall I fall away? Where am I? I seem to be the only one here, Who is there? What is that sound?

What is all this in my head? What is this constant screaming? I wish I was dead...Where is my sweet escape? When will this end?"

The thoughts of suicide dance in my head. How can I escape theese voices? "Get out of my head, leave now." I do not know how to escape.

Silence fills the room again. I see a faint light, coming towards me. This sweet sound fills the air. Silence falls again.

How will I ever know what that was, Why was it here for a second, and then gone. Like a vapor, it was here, then it was gone...I shall leave this peircing, silent darkness.


I hear a beckoning, something calls my name. I dont know what it is, yet. It is cold, and sad. Its lonliness. It takes a hold of my heart and squeezes it. This bitter lonliness has talons like an eagle and a voice like the thunder. Yelling, mocking me. It rips and tears, it makes fun of my pain. I am in love but it is not returned, the loliness still wins.

I pour my heart out on his lap, I thought he would recieve it. I was wrong, he just looks at it and says nothing. His gaze is empty, the lonliness calls me. Empty words just push my love aside, pushes my heart off onto the floor. Lonliness calls again. His thundering voice booms loud in my soul. I am left alone with out returned love.

Pain, searing pain. There is no relief for me. What once was everything, was now nothing. A broken heart left for the vultures to clean up. Lies, deception, broken promises, empty words. Is there anyone to clean up this mess that is me? Must I pick up the pieces of me myself? The darkness of unreturned love falls heavy and fast. There is no escape

My life will be a lonly one until someone helps me piece it back together. I will stay in the dark with lonliness, alone, hurt and broken.

The Pain I feel

The darkness comes, over powering me.
I cannot see my way out.
The light is gone and the darkness is cold.
The anger is coming now.
Like a blazing fire, it gets hot, and i cant see straight.
I see the red oozing like a festering sore.
It's getting worse, i feel fire in my veins.
I feel the rage building up.
I am ready to strike, like a snake I await the time to strike.
My enemies run in fear, I am evil waiting to happen.

I haven't been mad like this before. I only see red.
This is not a good place, for anyone.
I hear a noise, sharp, fierce, and terrifying.
I hear a scream, a yelp, someone is crying.
I don't care, I have exploded. My wrath has been brought.
I warned many not to push me. One day it would come.
Soon, I feel a rush of warmth, I look, there is blood.
The warm, red fluid runs down my hand.
What happened? How did this get here,
Where is the blood coming from?

I look, a pile of flesh cowering in the floor,
fear in their eyes. I did this?
What happened? Why, where did this come from?
I don't know how this came to be.
This isn't me. I can't, I didn't, did I?
It's not possible for me to act this way,
I am not a violent person.
I feel tears rushing my face now.
The person in the floor is terrified of me.

He walks in. I am bleeding, they are bleeding,
He looks at me. No, wait! Don't leave me.
"I'M SORRY!" I scream! I'm sorry.
He just stands there looking at me.
I crumple into the floor, my hands are shaking violently now.
He is still standing there, looking at us.
I look at the flesh pile, she is smiling at me,
I am shaking, I can't remember.
"I CAN'T REMEMBER!!" I scream at him.
He walks over to her, he saw her face.
She is fine, just a little blood, a little choked.
He looks at her damage, she is going to be fine.

He walks over to me, looking with intensity.
I'm still shaking, I can't feel him touching my skin.
I look at my hands, they are still bleeding.
I feel my head, it's fine, but my hands are not.
She smiles at me, "You loose" she mouths silently.
He continues to look, touch, check on me.
"Why?" He asks in a whispered tone,
I continue to quake,
"I can't remember what happened." I reply.
He sits on the floor beside me.
He pulls me to him, holding me,
Comforting me.

His touch is electric, I jerk away from him.
"NO! Choose! Now! This is what happened,
It was her. Rubbing your heart in my face.
'I have him, you loose you cow. You LOOSE!'
She pushed me, She finally broke me.
She ripped out my last shred of kindness!
She did it, YOU DID IT!" I shake violently again.
He cries, tears fall, He can't choose.
He looks at me, and he says loudly,
"I'm sorry, I thought I couldn't let you go, but now,
I have the strength to, I know where my heart wants to go,"
He turns to her, I cry, He's gone, Forever! I have lost.
She hugs him and thanks him and tries to kiss him,
He says, "Never in my life, have I ever wanted to slap a girl so bad.
Get out of my face. You are truly cold and heartless. BYE"

She smiles until she sees him walk over to me.
I cry, I try to push him away. I don't want to look at him,
I love him, I want him to leave me alone.
He grabs me, I scream in pain, "OUCH! Let me go,
You already made your point, you have chosen,"
He turns me to face him, I look to the floor to the right.
He raises his hand, I am scared, I flinch and cower,
He grabs my face and kisses me. HARD.
I try to fight it, but finally I give in.

I stood there, covered in blood, and he was kissing me.
Why would he do this to me?
He stops, "Goodbye you cow, I have my choice.
Right here in front of me. Covered in blood,
But still just as beautiful as the day I met her."
He smiles at me. Wiping away my tears,
He calls for an ambulance, all the while holding me.
Caressing me, protecting me. Loving me. Choosing me.

The paramedic arrived on the scene,
He pushed my protector away.
"He didn't do it, this is all me.
He just got here to call you for me."
The medic asked him, he replies,
"This is TRUE, Oh, sweetie, I love you."
A few fractured bones, bruised ribs,
and nasty gashes. This is the pain I'll see.
I do not remember a thing, I can't think of
how I ever got pushed that far.

The paramedic rush me to the ER
to fix my wounds and bones.
My heart was put together with one
simple call on the phone.
He made his choice and it was me.
Now the one with all the pain,
no longer I, but it is she.

He held me tightly in his arms,
loving me, holding me, caring for me.
He made his choice.
I lay there, on the hospital bed,
as he lay there next to me
kissing my sore head.

He loves me, he chose me,
Now I know that he is real.
The poor her can know first hand,