January 3, 2011

Creative Minds

Well, I went to bed last night, or technically at 4:37 am this morning with my book weighing heavily on my mind. I have come the realization, my book is so close to being completed, I am getting nervous about getting it published. I will be my own publisher, I don't feel like anyone extra making a profit off of my hard work. The printer I chose is amazing, they don't hit you with hidden fees and they definitely don't get "a cut" of your hard work. They make their money by offering a professional designer session, or by the way you design your cover.

I think it is really cool that they offer it up for the writers to be in complete control of the publishing process. The company helps you get your ISBN and you LCN and then imagine everything else, they let you set YOUR OWN PRICE!! You decided how much you want your book to be. And even better, I made a simple design choice the other day, just playing with prices, and I can print 100 paper back copies of my book for around $3.25 per book! That's not bad at all! That's amazing considering what I chose for the cover...but that is just a simple black and white cover.

I really hope that I can get the show on the road soon and get my first one finished and printed this year. It may take me a while to get it done, considering I am going to need to do some fund raising to get the ISBN and LCN purchased. They are not that expensive, but the decision is, do I want to buy in bulk? How many books am I going to be able to write? If I by in bulk, I can get 10 ISBN's for a relatively low price. That's a good thing ya know.

Maybe I will write a book that contains several of my poems and short stories....who knows what this year has in store for me!!

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