February 8, 2011

Being Analytical

So, I have a friend that is awesome! He knows a TON about music, much more than I do. I think that is about the coolest thing about him, he can tell you all about different songs, I can't do that. BUT I am a poet, I can paint you a picture with my words, which is odd. It takes me a LONG time to decipher a song, and yet I can tell you what a poem means after reading it twice. Even odder, most of the time, I can sing along the second or third time that I have heard a song, but ask me to recite a poem and my mind goes blank.

No worries though. I have it all figured out. I can be the writer, with my imagery in my head. I will think of ways to hide the meaning. Instead of pronouncing my feelings or the idea so that it is clear, I will find a way to hide the messages! HHAA! I'll maketh him guess!!

I just think it would be fun to hide the meaning for once. Mom said I needed counseling last night after she read one of my old poems. She thought I was depressed when I wrote it, I was just as happy as could be when I did. I can just paint an image with my words, not to toot my own horn, but I just realized how good I am.

I have not ever thought I was any good until recently. I showed a poem to several of my 'online friends' and one of them said "Tragic.....and it somehow draws you into the pain...nicely done."

That may not seem like much to many of you all, but that just struck me. I apparently have more talent than I let myself think. Now I just need to be able to hide myself in a piece. Hmmmm.....ideas?? Leave some comments!!

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